Differences Between Farm Fresh and Store Eggs

“Which one tastes better??” my kiddos asked. Eggs laid by our own backyard chickens or those purchased at the store? We set out to answer that today! My oldest likes to do “experiments”, so for Sunday morning breakfast we decided to taste-test farm eggs vs. store-bought. Our hens are still pretty early in their laying … [Read more…]

And then there were six…

It’s a sad day at the farm as we lost part of our flock yesterday. After some initial finger pointing, we’ve been able to nail down a timeline between 2pm and 5pm that one of our roosters, a hen and Bob the Duck went missing. I’m so, so bummed. I’ve read numerous blogs on how … [Read more…]

Welcome to our farm, little chicks!

We did it! The kiddos and I finally convinced their dad to make a little shopping trip to the farm store during Chick Days. Without much planning, we walked away with six chicks in tow… That trip was memorable for a few reasons. First, it was the last Friday before everything shut down due to … [Read more…]